Cybersecurity & Compliance
What is Cybersecurity & Compliance?
Cybersecurity is the protection of internet-connected systems, including hardware, software and data, from cyberattacks. In a computing context, security comprises cybersecurity and physical security — both are used by enterprises to protect against unauthorized access to data centers and other computerized systems. There are six categories of security services: Authentication, access control, data confidentiality, data integrity, nonrepudiation, and service availability.
DIGICIO provides IT Security services and solutions to the market. In a world with ever-increasing security threats and challenges, we strive to provide our clients with the services they need to protect them from external and internal threats.
With the rampant increase in cyber attacks, Cybersecurity is topping executives’ lists of business risks Executives are focusing on Cybersecurity as a matter of good corporate governance, good ethics, and quite simply – good business. Organizations innovate in a number of areas to mitigate these risk by:
Investment in Cyber Protection
Organizations will frequently carry out threat risk assessments and audits of their existing systems and invest in effective cyber protection to deal with the threats including zero-day attacks.
Old Data Breaches will become known
Using Advance Analytics and Security Orchestration leveraging Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the mean time to detection will improve and older threats will be detected.
Put the necessary protection in place to protect against Ransomware, avoid fueling payouts to hackers, and ensure an appropriate business continuity plan is in place to minimize large-scale outages.
Broader focus to include IoT (Internet of Things) devices
IoT devices connected to the enterprise like Printers, IP Thermostat, VoiP Telephony systems, and Video surveillance devices are vulnerable to attacks.
Cyber Insurance will become a standard
Cyber insurance is a growing area, and not just for large businesses; smaller companies are increasingly purchasing cyber insurance because it’s required by their contracts with larger companies.
Our Cybersecurity & Compliance Offerings
We assist organizations build their cybersecurity governance and compliance frameworks to protect their corporate assets by offering the following services:
Vulnerability Assessment (VA): DIGICIO finds, defines, and classifies the vulnerabilities or security holes in a client’s computer or network infrastructure.
Penetration Testing (PEN) : This involves attempting to compromise existing vulnerabilities in order to evaluate the security of a client’s environment.
Threat Risk Assessment (TRA): This assessment requires various steps to determine the level of vulnerability of a client’s systems – IT ( Information Technologies ) & OT ( Operation Technologies) and conclude with recommending appropriate actions to safeguard these systems.
Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA): This assessment assists a client with lessening the possible negative effects on privacy that might result from a service they are providing to an end-user.
Social Engineering Assessment: This assessment focuses on the security awareness of your employees. DIGICIO will address training and operating procedures that need improvement.
Secure Code Review: The Secure Code Review analyzes the source code of an application to determine if necessary, security features exist and whether they are working properly.